Use our ShareFile Secure Client Portal to share your records and accounting information with us!

Use our ShareFile Secure Client Portal to share your records and accounting information with us!

Hi Everyone!  If you are one of our valued bookkeeping and accounting clients that we take care of throughout the year, I just wanted to remind you that we now have a secure client portal for you to use to submit your ongoing financial information to us.  It is the preferred, safest, best, and most convenient way for you to provide everything to us – from the convenience of your business, office, or home!

Watch this very brief video from me for more information on the portal system, if you are not already doing so .


Also, for more information on the portal, or to access it after we have sent you a signup email for it, go to the secure portal here.  You may also call our office and speak to us about it further.   Here’s to your success!

Todd Unbehagen, MAFM, EA, ATA, ATP – President/CEO, Unbehagen Advisors

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