IRS Letter 147C

Letter 147C: EIN Verification

What It Is:

Letter 147C is not a notice of adjustment or collection action, but a confirmation letter sent by the IRS at the taxpayer’s request. This letter serves to confirm the Employer Identification Number (EIN) associated with a business. It is typically requested to verify the EIN for banking, tax reporting, or compliance purposes.

How Unbehagen Advisors Handles It:

While receiving Letter 147C is generally straightforward, Unbehagen Advisors can assist in ensuring that all your business information is correctly reflected and updated with the IRS. If there are discrepancies in your EIN details or if you need assistance in requesting this letter, Unbehagen Advisors is here to help. We can guide you through the process of verifying or correcting your EIN information as necessary.

Our Strategy:

If corrections to your EIN information are needed, Unbehagen Advisors will manage the submission of any required documentation to the IRS. We also provide advice on maintaining compliance with IRS requirements and using your EIN correctly in all business and tax-related matters.


Unbehagen Advisors handles all interactions with the IRS, ensuring that your inquiries are addressed efficiently and effectively. We keep you fully informed throughout the process, providing peace of mind and freeing you to focus on your core business activities.

Error Verification:

In cases where there might be confusion or errors in your EIN records, Unbehagen Advisors will verify and rectify any inaccuracies. Our expertise ensures that your business identification details are accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with IRS standards.

Peace of Mind:

Handling EIN matters might seem minor, but they are crucial for your business operations and compliance. With Unbehagen Advisors, you have expert support to handle these details professionally. We ensure that everything is in order, allowing you to conduct your business with confidence.

If you need assistance with an EIN issue or have received a Letter 147C, contact Unbehagen Advisors today.

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IRS Letter Support

Notice of Changes to Correct a Tax Return Error

Notice of Tax Due and Demand for Payment

Notice of Penalty Charged

Final Notice – Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing

Correction to Self-Employment Taxes

Notice of Penalty Charge

Notice of Acceptance of Business Tax Return

Reminder Notice about Balance Due

Second Request for Tax Payment

Final Notice, Balance Due

Notice of Proposed Adjustment for Underpayment/Underreporting

(Statutory Notice of Deficiency) - Proposed changes to your tax return

(Notice of Deficiency) - "90-Day Letter" Warning of Tax Adjustment

Notice of Default on Installment Agreement

1058 (LT11)
Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing

Denial of an Amended Return Claim

Employer Shared Responsibility Payment Assessment

EIN Verification

Notification of Your Tax Return Audit

General 30 Day Notice to Discuss an Audit

Notice of Federal Tax Lien Filing and Your Right to a Hearing Under IRC 6320

Request for Information