IRS Letter CP3219N

CP3219N: Notice of Deficiency – “90-Day Letter”

What It Is:

The CP3219N, known as the “90-Day Letter,” is an official notification from the IRS proposing adjustments to your tax return. This letter warns you of the IRS’s intent to assess additional tax unless you contest their findings. You have a 90-day window from the date of the notice to file a petition with the Tax Court to dispute the proposed adjustments.

How Unbehagen Advisors Handles It:

Receiving a CP3219N can be alarming, but Unbehagen Advisors is prepared to assist you effectively. We start by reviewing the IRS’s proposed changes in detail, determining the best approach to address any inaccuracies or excessive adjustments. If challenging the changes is advisable, we will guide you through the process of petitioning the Tax Court.

Our Strategy:

Our approach includes a thorough analysis of your tax returns, gathering documentation, and preparing a robust defense to present at the Tax Court. Unbehagen Advisors will support you in preparing a solid case, leveraging our extensive knowledge of tax law and IRS procedures to challenge the proposed tax adjustments.


We manage all communications with the IRS on your behalf, ensuring that your response is timely, well-documented, and strategically sound. Throughout this process, Unbehagen Advisors keeps you fully informed, providing clarity and reducing the stress associated with facing the Tax Court.

Peace of Mind:

Dealing with the IRS and potential tax adjustments can be a significant source of stress. Unbehagen Advisors takes on this burden for you, ensuring that your case is handled with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail. Our goal is to secure the best possible outcome for you, allowing you to focus on your personal and business life without the weight of tax issues.

If you have received a CP3219N or face any other tax-related challenges, contact Unbehagen Advisors today for expert guidance and representation.

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IRS Letter Support

Notice of Changes to Correct a Tax Return Error

Notice of Tax Due and Demand for Payment

Notice of Penalty Charged

Final Notice – Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing

Correction to Self-Employment Taxes

Notice of Penalty Charge

Notice of Acceptance of Business Tax Return

Reminder Notice about Balance Due

Second Request for Tax Payment

Final Notice, Balance Due

Notice of Proposed Adjustment for Underpayment/Underreporting

(Statutory Notice of Deficiency) - Proposed changes to your tax return

(Notice of Deficiency) - "90-Day Letter" Warning of Tax Adjustment

Notice of Default on Installment Agreement

1058 (LT11)
Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing

Denial of an Amended Return Claim

Employer Shared Responsibility Payment Assessment

EIN Verification

Notification of Your Tax Return Audit

General 30 Day Notice to Discuss an Audit

Notice of Federal Tax Lien Filing and Your Right to a Hearing Under IRC 6320

Request for Information